Welcome to Vintage Thingies Thursday hosted by Coloradolady. Stop by
Coloradolady's blog today for more great vintage thingies.
I got these one day from a friend and thought you younger folk would have fun with these---you see I am VINTAGE---and this is just the way it was when I was growing up.
The more I see the changes in our world with everything related to God and christian values being eliminated and said to be hate crime, living a decent, moral life and our rights gradually being taken away from us ---the more I realize those really were
The Good Ole Days.
You may find some of these interesting, so here we go:

As infants & children and even adults, we rode in cars with no seat belts (maybe not even a seat), no booster seats, no air bags, bald tires and sometimes no brakes.

We drank water from a garden hose or from a dipper( for well water ), and not from a bottle.

We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and bacon.

We drank Kool-Aid made with real sugar, and we were not over weight---because we were always outside playing.

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's and X-boxes. There were no video games, no 150 channels on cable, no video movies or DVD's, no surround-sound or CD's, no cell phones, no personal computers, no Internet and no chat rooms (or Blogs).

WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them and enjoyed playing together and often making up our games.

We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no lawsuits from these accidents!

We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms did not live in us forever.

We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house,giving no thought to a kidnapping or drive by shooting then---it was safe.

We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all and we did not need to be entertained all day---we made our own entertainment---we had some imagination and creativity about us and more importantly we survived !!!
So I hope you enjoyed a look at days past ---I look back and I really am glad I grew up that way---much better than this generation has it. I will try to come up with some other things we did at a later date---you know it takes a while to think and remember these things---especially when you are Vintage. Ha!
Loved your post. While I'm younger, my childhood was a lot like yours.
Now, you finally got the hang of it. Great job! Keep on going.
I agree, things should be so simple now days...we would all be less stressed! Interesting post for VTT. Very good.
P.S. I remember breaking my leg and never once did I hear anything about my parents wanting to get a lawyer...maybe they should have!! *wink* *wink*
After all, I am the one who missed church camp!!
ahhhh the sweet, simple life and stress free during youngster years! so much fun and memorable! thanks for reminding me.. happy VTT
I never ate worms or mud pies, but my Mum says I tried to eat a Christmas beetle when I was crawling!
I grew up the same way-I like it better too.
I too have very similar childhood memories.
To Postcardy----I never ate worms knowingly---but did taste a mud pie occasionally---they looked so good, ha! ha!--after all they were home made.
Great post!
Love all of the images you have shared with us.
Love your post! Great pic's
Thanks. This how I grew up too. Except for the eating worms thing. How can you be sure those worms aren't still in there somewhere? ;)
Happy VTT!
Great post today - very enjoyable reading! I'll visit again!
I never ate worms but I do remember making mud pies :0) Oh! And coming home when the first street light went on ;0)
Wonderful photos! My grandmother's family took a picture of every car they had, and filed them all away because they knew someday folks would look back at them and see how they lived "way back when." When my son sees the pictures now, he can't believe how much things have changed!
Ha, those were the days. Amen to everything except I do LOVE my computer with the internet and cell phone technology.
It really was the good old days, wasn't it?! We all need to go back to those "simpler" times, although I'm sure things weren't all that simple! I really enjoyed your post!
In so many ways those were the good old days.
I would really miss my computer now if I went back to the old days though. Not to mention TV, dishwasher, clothes dryer and many many other things. I guess we just can't have it all. I did enjoy those good old days though.
BTW, I came here because you had not posted for Spiritual Sundays for awhile. I see you haven't posted anything for awhile. I hope you're OK and your computer isn't down.
Yes I remember those days too and agree they were 'the best times to grow up' even though mine were on the other side of the world than you. Thanks for the reminder
Oh, I loved your post today. We had a TV that looked just like the one in your picture. I think I was still swinging on a tire swing, and playing in the sandbox when kids today would have been already dating. I am like you. I think we had a wonderful life.
You are SO right! We did survive all of those things that are now considered so dangerous for children. Loved all of your pictures! Brought back some great memories. (You came to my "other" blog one time - Battling My Inner Critic - I have just added another chapter to my story, if you are interested) laurie
Just stopped by to say hello. Yes, it was a lot more fun when it wasn't illegal to get hurt, wasn't it? don't they know none of us are getting out alive, lol?
nice post..thanks for sharing..blessings ...soraya
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